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Julianna Kish minsters to students at her alma mater, La Roche University.
Jason Pagel reaches out to students at Shippensburg University in partnership with UnComMin.
CCO Fellow Anna Krumpe reaches out to students at Fresno State University, Fresno Pacific University, and Fresno City College.
Jordan Greynolds reaches out to students at Fresno Pacific University through the Office of Spiritual Formation.
CCO Associate Billy Ferrell helps to advance our mission by providing teaching, coaching, and mentoring to our staff in the support raising ministry.
CCO Associate Leanne Torres reaches out to students at Anderson University.
Michael Cobillas reaches out to students at Tarrant County College in partnership with Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, where he serves as...
CCO Associate Bob Riggles reaches out to students in the Washington, DC area.
A 2000 graduate of Cedarville University with a degree in Bible, John Myers reaches out to students at Elizabethtown College.
Shelley Williams joyfully serves the CCO as Accounting Specialist.
CCO Associate Kaleigh Ritter reaches out to students in Texas.
Allison Hurley serves as a CCO Associate at Shippensburg University, after spending her first year on CCO staff as a campus ministry intern...
Boaz Moser serves as a CCO Fellow, reaching out to students at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh.
CCO Associate Bethany Chez reaches out to students at Arcadia University.
Brian Sheeler ministers to students at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.
CCO Associate Dani Erdley ministers to students at Juniata College.
Brandon Rathbun ministers to students at Lycoming College and Penn College.
Philip Schiavoni serves as Area Director, supervising campus staff members in the Mid-Atlantic region.