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Cami Haley

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Cami Haley serves the CCO as our Support Raising Ministry Coordinator.

"I invite staff into the discipline and journey of raising financial support for their ministries," Cami says. "I encourage, challenge and empower our staff to see ministry to supporters as a vital part of their work as campus ministers.

"Jesus, in the Great Commission, calls us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. Today's college students are a generation that has grown up without the message of the Gospel and without regular church attendance. Yet there is a spiritual hunger that is very real. This age group is ripe for harvest and it is a privilege to walk alongside staff who are going to the front lines to reach out to these students. I get a lot of joy knowing that my work contributes to the bigger picture of students coming to faith and students becoming alive in their faith."

Other ways to contribute

Next Generation Fund